
Experience the Haramain with Salam Stays Travels

Embark on unforgettable journey from Leeds with our expert travel services. Start planning your visit today!

Explore Hijaaz

Personalized Itineraries

Create bespoke travel plans tailored to your preferences and interests.

Hotel & Transport Bookings

Secure accommodations and transport suitable for your journey and budget.

24/7 Customer Support

Assistance and guidance available round the clock for a seamless travel experience.

Why Choose Salam Stays Travels

Personalized service for your unique travel needs

Competitive prices without any compromise on quality

Customer-centric planning tailored just for you

Discover Your Dream Holiday Destinations

Makkah, Saudi Arabia

5 nights

7 nights

10 nights




Madina, Saudi Arabia

6 nights

8 nights

12 nights




Your Trusted Travel Partner

We specialize in providing travelers with a wide range of choices for their Umra trip . Our team of travel experts is dedicated to ensuring you have the best experience. With years of experience in Saudi Arabia, we have the expertise to reserve hotels in Makkah and Madinah, cater to various bookings, and offer the most competitive prices.

Frequently asked questions

What is the booking process for your travel agency?

Booking with our travel agency is simple and convenient. You can either book online through our website or contact our travel agents directly to assist you with the booking process.

What should I do to prepare for my upcoming trip?

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip, we recommend checking your travel documents, packing essentials, confirming reservations, and researching your destination's local customs and attractions.

What safety measures does your travel agency take to ensure traveler security?

At our travel agency, we prioritize traveler safety by partnering with reputable airlines and accommodations, providing travel insurance options, and offering emergency assistance services to our customers during their travels.

Book Your Adventure


Contact information

Phone+44 1234 567890